
Categoria: Jardines

Gardens Jardines
planta oroache

Garden Design Naturalgardens

Plants of bulbs, a reserve of life. One of the things that most impress and although I have seen many times, still surprises me, is to walk in winter the days near the end of the year by the fields of the subbética in Cordoba. A terrain in summer, only inhabited by millions of olive trees whose only soil is seen, some grass devastated by the strong sun, this sun that dora the olives until becoming one of the most appreciated juices. Read more…
Gardens Jardines
claves para el diseño de jardines verticales

The keys to a vertical garden

At the moment the decoration has no limits and this impels to leave of the known and conventional, to point to more innovative options. This fits both inside a home and the design of its outer space, which is often relegated. For more information…
Gardens Jardines
como decorar jardín en navidad

How to decorate your garden in Christmas

Christmas is present in every corner of the city: shopping centers, schools, avenues, your home … And if you live in a house with a large and beautiful garden, why not bring all that Christmas decoration to the outside where do you live? With these landscaping tips on how to decorate your garden at Christmas, allow your neighbors, friends and family to see, from before entering your home, that the spirit of these holidays has arrived in the form of decoration. You want to know more? Click here….
Gardens Jardines
Cómo iluminar el jardín

Ideas to illuminate the garden

Today illuminate the garden or terrace is the most important factor to consider in architecture and design tool. It is a source of illumination, inspiration and meaning. The increasing popularity of landscape allows us to increasingly give much attention to the exterior spaces as the interior. With both approach and design it is essential to ensure illuminate the space that can be admired and enjoyed not only day but also at night. For that you only need a few ideas to illuminate the garden in the best way. Are you interested and want to know more? Click here…
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